So much to say, so little time (and sleep)

I hope you've set aside some time today, because there are A LOT of photos. I think there are at least a dozen. It's been a busy few days, so there's quite a bit to update. Trinity is still doing really well, she is certainly back to old habits. MOST are cute. Her eyesight remains a big question mark and we are past the 5 week mark, so we are starting to wonder if it will ever come back. We have follow-up appointments this week with the neurologist and ophthalmologist. Say that 5 times fast.

We have an appointment in November at OHSU in Portland. It's never a bad idea to get a second opinion, so that's what we'll do. We continue to take it day by day, although I don't know that there is really any other way to do it. We continue to pray for Trinity's eyesight to be returned, mainly because it would give her the full life we would want for her. I know our God can do that. I just hope that's in His plan. I know it would be in mine. We are really enjoying our time with our daughter, who continues to develop like crazy. She is pulling herself to standing now, which is also crazy. There'll be more pictures on that tomorrow. For now, I am just trying to catch up with the last few days. Now for the news...

Number 66 is my nephew Mark, who is starting on the varsity football team this year. He plays offensive and defensive line. He did a great job, helping the Baker Bulldogs hold on to win 35-34. It was a very exciting game, although we had to leave at half-time because of you-know-who.

On Saturday, we traveled to Boise for a wedding. A good friend was getting married, so we packed up the car and hit the road. Carolyn and Bill were married in a beautiful ceremony at a winery in Kuna. There were a bunch of people and it was HOT. But it was also a wonderful day, and we were all so excited for Caroyn (and Bill too!).
Okay, maybe Trinity wasn't that excited. Who can blame her? It's tough being this cute.

Vintage Aaron: A drink in one hand, food in another and a scowl to tell the lady with the camera to back the heck off. By the way, this was my second shirt. The first was completely soaked with sweat. Yeah, it was gross. It was also hot. Did I mention it was hot in the sun?

Autumn and her BFF Beth, AKA Auntie Beth. They should get together for coffee soon.

With legs like Trinity's, no wonder she's a champion wrestler!

Trinity also had her first jump room experience. Here she is proving that, if you're good, you can do yoga in a jump room. Notice the focus in her eyes as she holds the downward dog.

Trin and Beth giggling...too cute

Here is Trinity showing Spencer a few wresting moves. She's also demonstrating how to drool. She's really good at that. I am continually amazed at the way these boys treat Trinity. I don't think she'll have to worry about being picked on at school.

While we were in Boise, we stayed at my dad's. I have mentioned their cat before and he is still an entertaining little feline. I have only met a couple other cats who don't mind water. I guess he wades in it occasionally. Here he is, deciding if he needs a bath too

Trinity and Opa, just playing around.

Whew, did I make it all the way through? That was a lot of photos. And don't you worry, there's plenty more where that came from. Trinity has new toys, Autumn takes a trip (or two), and a wrestling update. Stay tuned!


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