Final Christmas post of 2010. Wait, it's 2011 already!

We finally finished Christmas...I think. What a season it has been! This last installment is our time with Autumn's family here in Baker. We had it at our house this year, with about ten people in attendance. Fun times!

I don't know that we ever really took a good photo of Trinity in her Christmas dress, but here's a little sneak peek. Cute? You betcha!


Yes, we stuffed Teagan in his Santa outfit one more time. Kudos to Grayson for putting up with us old folks and our need to photograph everything.


Teagan sure likes Boppa!


Teagan with his cousin Mark

Trinity loved her new bathtub soap-bodypaint stuff, even though she has no idea what they are! She loves to line them up on the floor...


...and on the ottoman too!

Waiting for the goods...


There's the good stuff! Now, if it was only a blue and orange ball...

Quite the Santa! Only in Eastern Oregon would Santa wear coveralls...

Here's Trinity putting her scrambling skills on display


More cousin shots...


Trinity has an inchworm! She's a little small to get it to work yet, but she likes to be pushed around on it!



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