The Wait is OVER!!!

Many, not all, of you have been very supportive as Autumn has approached her due date. This second pregnancy has brought much joy and anticipation to us and we looked forward to welcoming our son into the world. I am a little too tired to be funny, witty, or even pithy this evening, so I'll just get to a few pictures and be on my way.

At 9:47am yesterday morning (Sunday, August 15, 2010), Teagan Lee Harrell was born into this world in Baker City, Oregon. He weighed in at 7lbs 3oz, measured 20.5", had a 12.5 inch head and 14 inch chest. That last measurement is in case we need to rent him a tuxedo.

Here's Autumn and her belly waiting for the big event. We went in on Saturday night at about 11:30pm because the contractions were getting pretty close together.

After a pretty normal progression and birth, and by normal I mean that my wife did fantastic and gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy, we welcomed Teagan into the world. Don't worry the goop on his eyes is something they put in to prevent infection.

Here's the happy family!

Here's Autumn after being up for about 36 hours...and after giving birth. She's a stud!

Here's the big sister. I don't think that she has any idea what's coming. But she's cute!

Here's the front door shot, welcome home Teagan and mom!

Here's a happy mom cuddling on the couch, so beautiful!

And, that's all you get tonight. I'm going to bed. Peace be with you. Which reminds me that my son was born on the same day that my grandfather died, three years after. It reminds me of how endings are often beginnings too. God bless.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Aaron! What a handsome baby boy you've got there. And you're right.....big sister won't know what hit her!

    I remember when my great-grandmother passed away, I was pregnant with Tru & close to the end of my pregnancy & just remember thinking that God always gives us new beginnings even as other things end. It was a lovely & comforting thought for me.


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