Daily S.O.A.P.


2 Corinthians 5:15

And He died for all, so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake.


I think that whether you are a Christian or not, dying to yourself is necessary to being a good friend, spouse, or family member. I think that it is most important in my marriage, but also has ramifications in all of my relationships. I means that I listen without prejudice, I speak with sincerity, and put others' interests before mine. Ouch.


I know that this pregnancy can teach me all kinds of things about dying to myself. It seems like I am getting the easy road and I need to take advantage of that by devoting my energy to helping Autumn get through her struggles.


Dear God, help me to die to myself so that I might live in the moment of each relationship that you have given me. Amen.


  1. "and put others' interests before mine." Ouch

    Not necessarily true. If you dont take care of your own health first, you wont be healthy enough to take care of others.

  2. There certainly is a balance and tension between taking care of yourself and others. I think that I am out of balance and in need of correction. There is a difference between taking care of myself and being self serving. I think that I often err on the side of being self serving. Thanks for the great comment!


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