Christmas 2011, Episode 1

Last weekend there was much ado here at the Harrell house, as I am sure was the case in many homes this time of year. I really like Christmas for many reasons, so this time of year is really a lift for me. It's a lift for Autumn and the kids too, as we put up lights, a tree and hang the stockings. The kids had advent calendars, which really only meant chocolate to them, but it was something they looked forward to. We started that darned Elf of the Shelf tradition and now our elf Babaloo haunts our house between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you read the link to "Babaloo", rest assured that I never knew any of that before we gave that name to our elf. I just thought it was interesting. My stepdad thought that the name sounded familiar, like he had heard it on TV or something. That would be the Ricky Ricardo reference.

Meanwhile, time charged on and we sat on Santa's lap  (Not me or Autumn, just the kids. It's a figurative "we"), toured the Christmas lights here in Baker, and had all kinds of Christmas fun. Enjoy the journey with us:

Sort of an Advent Calendar. Or Santa's version of no-shave November!

Teagan turns 16 months...whoa!


I am trying to figure out if our kids are going to eventually laugh at all the funny stuff that we do to them, or they will simply need therapy. Can you say highwater?

Teagan learning to flip with mommy

Trinity is advanced to walk up before getting flipped over!

All three smiling...mostly!

Autumn and Trinity baking a pear pie. Okay, Trinity was just playing with bubbles. But when you are three, that counts!

Trinity and Oma playing house!

Opa talking about the finer points of horsemanship with his grandson.

Everybody's smiling, except for Teagan. Darn those shiny things! Since we were leaving town Christmas weekend, Dad and Sue made the trip to Baker to celebrate Christmas. It was great to have them here!

The pleasant mayhem of Christmas

Gingerbread house!

The hazards of red M&Ms



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