6 Months and a good laugh later...

As you may (or may not) know, Teagan just passed his 6 month birthday yesterday. Yup, time flies. Autumn has started taking pictures of him in the same place every month. I don't know how long she plans on doing it, but it's cute and  makes for good blog fodder.I don't think she actually started the chair shots until almost two months, so I snuck in a pic of when he was a couple of weeks old, just to fill in the gap. Enjoy!

A wee little Teagan on grandma's lap...

I always thought he looked sharp in turtlenecks, very suave. You know, for the ladies...

He's 3 months here, wearing a shirt that was too big for Trinity when she was 6 months. I have heard that it's the boy gene that makes them grow fast.

For this month's installment, we thought he should dress up a little, put on a tie...(psst, it's not really a tie, it's just printed on the shirt)

Hmm, I see a theme with the shirts. I didn't notice it before I put them next to each other. Maybe we should ALWAYS have him in a tee shirt that has a tie printed on it. Very classy you know!

Doh! Broke with protocol to bring you a picture of Teagan, sporting the business casual...

I actually just took this one tonight. I put it on here because it made me laugh out loud. Hope it brings you a tickle too! Have a good night!


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