P-Town! Wait, is that even a real word?

We ended up in Portland a couple weeks ago. Well, in all fairness, it might have been yesterday. It sure seems like I can't keep track of time lately. Either way, we were in Portland. There was some work to be done, there was a wedding to go to, and most importantly there was some fun to behad because it's Portland! The kids came with, so we had to keep them occupied during the day. Here's a little sample:

No, that's not Trinity pushing Teagan. It was another little girl that was there. She liked to push Teagan. I think that Teagan might have been in love!

Meanwhile, Trinity was learning the ups and downs of the play house.

She is getting very brave these days. The only problem is that she ended up getting her little toes stuck and I had to free them. She's getting there!

Eating never really makes for good pictures. It does make for funny pictures though!

Trinity is very good at sharing, even with her mouth full!

If I remember correctly (a bit of a feat sometimes, just ask my wife!) this is liver pate. I think she liked it!

I think that Teagan was happy that he didn't have to eat liver!

Trinity was leading the way!

Walking the Portland farmer's market with mommy!

Triniy and Teagan were both excited about the musicians that were around market!

As usual, Trinity loves to share. She share her food, her thoughts, and most importantly, her enthusiasm! I can't wait to take themback to the Portland farmer's market!


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