The Beach: Day 2 (And 3)

If you read  the last post, you know that we were at the beach most of last week. We covered day 1 at the beach. Most people would look at that post and think that it was sufficient to describe our experience. I disagree and therefore will add WAY more photos just to prove my point. Wait, did I have a point? What was it? Help me out here!

This was day two at the beach. That's it, just a lot of wind and two kids who did not want to be there. Wait, we did drive to Seaside though. The rain in the morning was really coming down so we drove to Seaside so that the kids could ride the carousel. Here's a picture to prove it. Just kidding, there's actually THREE!

Trinity wanted to ride the she did!

Both kids had a blast!

Then it was time for clam chowder, yum!

Now that day 2 is over (finally, right?), we can move on to day 3 and Cannon Beach. They have tide pools!

And start fish to touch!

And plenty of other wildlife!

It was fun to take the kids to Haystack Rock and check out the tide pools. I grew up near salt water, so it was a great thing to share that with the kids. Not much salt water in Baker City! After the tide pools, we traveled home and napped, etc. Then it was off to the beach again!

A beached whale? Baby Beluga? Ha!

Fun and games on the beach!

Kids are cute, especially when they sit somewhere funny.

Last post had a great picture of Teagan. This time it's Trinity's turn. I love her smile.

So there we were, playing at the beach, when I was assaulted by a bad smell. We simply had to investigate who POOPED!

Was it Teagan?

Was it daddy? By the way, sorry you had to see this picture.

And last but not least, was it Trinity?

After much investigation, we finally discovered the perpetrator. But it would be way too improper to rat out the little stinker, so you'll just have to guess for yourself. Suspense killing you? Just for you, I will reveal who the next blog post...stay tuned!


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