Lots of pictures, but first, the news...

So, before we get into the picture-fest that is this post, a little update on the littlest Harrell. Autumn went in to see the doctor yesterday, just for a normal little check up. Time's getting short, so we see the doc more often now. Most of the appointment went as expected, the doctor asks a few questions, reports on any labs or tests that have been done, measures fundal height, and, since Autumn is about 36 weeks along, feels around the abdomen to try and see if the baby is head down, which is where they should be about this time. He wasn't sure, so he pulled out the world's oldest ultrasound machine and started looking around. No prints this time, the machine is too old to do stuff like that. We were a little nervous when he thought he saw the head near Autumn's diaphragm, but it turns out the head was really down where it ought to be. Yay! So that's that, our little boy is about 6 lbs right now and supposedly growing an ounce a day. Can't wait to meet him! Now for the rest of the news...

I am not sure if this is a fashion alert or just a natural disaster. Either way it's pretty funny. Trinity had water poured on her at daycare just a little bit before this, so off came the shorts. Love the outfit kid! And the shoes, they make the whole thing come together...

Have I mentioned how Trinity loves to wear our shoes? She does. She is wearing Autumn's running shoes here. She was surprisingly agile in them. She was taking normal steps in them, not shuffling at all. Very strange, yet really funny!

Just getting warmed up...

Taking a lap!

This weekend is the air show here in Baker City and there is a car show there. We're taking Autumn's folks' '67 Plymouth Fury convertible out there for the show. It's a sweet ride, about as plush as you could ever want. Fun stuff. Trinity had her first ride in a convertible, which proved to be a grand time! The next few photos can speak for themselves:

Suitable that we are ending with this one. She's singing...again. She seems to sing when she's happy. She sings when she is in the bike trailer too. So much fun!


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