Some pics about some stuff...

The other day I went to the bank. I had both the kids, so I had double charm on my side! Of course the teller was friendly, so the kids each got a sticker of their own. Needless to say, they both were thrilled with their new treasures. We weren't in a huge hurry, so we went to the little play area that the bank had set up. Teagan and Trinity both got to do a little coloring before we went home...

I suppose they should be coloring on paper, not on story books...

Climbing seems to be his specialty...

Probably digging for the blue crayon!

Autumn and Trinity went to Boise again, Autumn usually keeps me updated with plenty of pictures!

Her newest stunt is to hang by her hands and swing!


New baby! She got to pick this one out.

Autumn told me that I could dream...I do have a dream...

Trinity's obsession with shoes goes beyond just her wearing shoes, it involves EVERYONE wearing shoes. Here's Teagan, victim of Trinity's shoes obsession.

Shoes obsession...or boot obsession?

Sometimes, for fun, we go undercover so that nobody recognizes us...

Who could this be?

And this lovely lady?

Okay, in case you haven't figured it out, this is us! Good disguises huh?


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