Family Camp part 1
I think it's a sign that you take wayyy too many photos when you have to split your blog posts on a regular basis. It was mentioned that Trinity may be the most photographed child on the planet. It might be true! Teagan would be the runner up, or maybe even the winner, if you consider that Trinity has a 21 month headstart.
Last weekend we went to family camp at Young Life's Washington Family Ranch. It's out in the middle of nowhere. It was built on the site of a cult compound from the 1980's. Young Life has been doing great things for kids there since 1999 after the land was donated by the Washington family. We went there with the kids and the Kelleys over the long weekend. It was a really ncie weekend; we were able to spend time with family and friends without having to worry about meals or clean up. Good stuff!
Last weekend we went to family camp at Young Life's Washington Family Ranch. It's out in the middle of nowhere. It was built on the site of a cult compound from the 1980's. Young Life has been doing great things for kids there since 1999 after the land was donated by the Washington family. We went there with the kids and the Kelleys over the long weekend. It was a really ncie weekend; we were able to spend time with family and friends without having to worry about meals or clean up. Good stuff!
Teagan is marveling at his good luck! He sure likes whatever Trinity has!
Close up. Still cute!
Sometimes I wish I could come up with a nice caption. No luck here. The weather wasn't the greatest, we never did get into the pool with the kids. I was really looking forward to that.
It's hard to see, but we are playing a game (with hundreds of other people) that involved walking over people and then laying down at the end of the line. This picture doesn't really show the game very well.
Another game is where two people run down and put their heads on bats and spin around 8 times and then run back. This is Kal and I after spinning...
Trinity never was able to be in the shovel relay, but we made up for it after the shaving cream fight!
Momma and Teagan, chillin' in the grass. There was a surprisingly large amount of time just hanging around in the grass and at the playground. Sweet!
Time to ride the giant swing!
Jen was a trooper, although she never did pull the rope that released the swing!
The Kelleys, with shaving cream.
My girls on their first horseback ride together. Very cool!
Families were divided up by color. We were hot pink. Here's Teagan and I putting the "hot" in hot pink!
Kate has been to Young Life camp before, she was even an intern a couple of years ago. She came along to help out with the kids. I think that she secretly just wanted to take naps with them!
Not Trinity's most flattering photo...hey girls!
Stay tuned for part 2...
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