Overdue: Running in diapers and more!

Okay, so let's get this show on the road; it's late and I am t-i-r-e-d. What's that spell? No, not "whiner". Okay, maybe a little.

Jen, Kal, Me, Autumn and Mike

Yup, Mike's wearing a pink gorilla suit. I am not sure why, since our team was named "Got the trots!" and we all wore diapers for the 2nd annual YMCA Turkey Trot. I guess it was warm. Too warm. Even though it was about 8 degrees Fahrenheit, a pink gorilla suit is just too warm. From Mike's account, I would hope that it can be dry cleaned. Like I said, too warm. But it was a fun event with about 300 people signing up and maybe half that showing up to brave the freezing cold temps. Our team came in second place for the team portion, we even won free pizza! Thanks Kina!

Here Jen is modeling the pull-up style undergarment and Kal is demonstrating...well, I am not sure what. He could be showing us how clean his diaper is, even after running a 5k. He could be wiping. Or, he could be flossing. You decide!

After the 5k festivities, we went over to Autumn's folks house to have Thanksgiving dinner with Autumn's family. It was a great afternoon of eating and visiting; we have MUCH to be thankful for. Teagan is demonstrating how grateful we are by, you guessed it, sleeping. Of course, that could be because his uncle Wade made him way too comfortable.

Also that weekend: cuteness.

Autumn and I used to have a game of Scrabble going almost all the time. Not anymore. But we managed to get most of a game in over the holiday weekend. Trinity really liked the game pieces, she loved to stack and unstack the tiles. It reminded me of a picture of Trinity and me a little while ago...

She was a lot easier when she couldn't reach the board...

Trinity's latest favorite thing is to hold Teagan. She is getting better at it, but still needs a tad bit of supervision. I can see this turning into a wrestling match in not too many months. And judging by Teagan's growth, I don't know that Trinity would win...

And speaking of growth...Teagan weighed in at 15lbs 8oz last week (15 weeks). Crazy moose! and yes ladies, he's single!

So, Trinity has been watching Jim and Tammy Faye Baker on the 700 Club...and liked the make-up...okay bad joke. You may not even understand it. I barely do. So let's just move on and pretend I never said it. Trinity and Autumn made thank you cards for her friends that came to her kiddo party. Yes she ate the paint. Yes it's non-toxic.

Hmmm. Wonder where Trinity gets it?

Maybe a little intense.

Not so intense. Momma and baby, putting each other to sleep. Sweetness.

I know that there is the whole "terrible twos" and all, but sometimes Trinity still surprised me with how obnoxious she can be. The sad part is that I think she gets that from me.

This picture is for Sue, who gave this to Trinity some time ago. Sue, you'll be happy to know that your granddaughter can now get on and ride the horse without assistance. She can even turn on the sound effects mid-stride. Look Oma, no helmet!


  1. Nice post Aaron. It was a crack up to see you guys at the Turkey Trot. You know how to have a good time when most people didn't want to get out of there houses or cars...did you have anybody tell you your lungs were going to get damaged by running that day, most common comment I got. Take care and see you guys soon.

  2. Thanks David, we enjoyed the Turkey Trot quite a bit this year, mainly because running in a diaper actually keeps you warmer!

    Life's too short not to get out and have a little fun, especially when you can join your community and support a great cause! Kudos to the Vetgers for sure, they put on a great event.

    Also, congrats on the finalization of Zachary's adoption, although I suspect that he's been a Henry from the start! We'll be seeing you Saturday for sure!

    P.S. I have never heard of cold air damaging your lungs when you run...although I suspect there might be a point at which that might happen. Maybe -50 degrees?

  3. I read an article saying that the damaging your lungs idea was a myth. I still was told I was crazy for running in single degree temps. I think there might be some worry about -50 though for more reasons than your lungs :).


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