Birthday Bash!

To start this post, we have an odd photo. It's a beet. A really big beet. It's almost as big as Trinity's head. I've never seen that before. I pulled it from the garden Saturday. Draw your own conclusions.

So today was Trinity's birthday. That's right, it's been one whole year since this little baby came into the world. I always thought that 18 years is a long time to take care of a child (yes I know it often goes longer than that). But in light of the fact that today is my daughter's first birthday, I have to say that 18 years is going to FLY by. This last year has gone by so fast, it makes my head spin to think about it. Autumn spent a TON of time putting together a montage of photos of Trin's first year in a video presentation. There were a few technical difficulties that prevented us from showing it at the birthday party, but I sat with Autumn and watched it this evening. A few things came to me as I watched the last year in photos. The first thing that struck me was how much Trinity has changed. First she was this little infant and then she went through this monkey phase. Autumn didn't like when I referred to our little baby as a monkey, but she sorta looked like one. Kinda. Okay, maybe the dark hair threw me.

Another thing that I noticed was how much she has grown. Okay, that's sort of like the first thing, but this is sheer size that we are talking about now. She was six pounds when she was born and now she is almost 20! That's a pretty big change. The final thing that really hit me was how lucky Autumn and I are to still have our baby with us. There were some pictures from the hospital and it all came back to me in a flood. I cried a little and thought that I never want to be in that place again. But I do wonder why we still have Trinity. The doctors never really found anything out. She just got better. I know that it was because of the prayers and support of hundreds of people that prayed for her. But why? There were at least several times throughout the process where she could have easily died. There must be something important for her to do.

In the mean time, enjoy some pictures of the first cupcake ever for Trinity. Happy Birthday, by beautiful miracle baby:

For all you first time parents out there: yeah, a cake is tradition. But think about it, doesn't a cupcake make more sense for everyone!

Here comes the mayhem!

The carnage continues...this was her first cupcake ever...whaddya expect?

The random cuteness of the day is also the picture of a baby who is very satisfied at having DESTROYED her first cupcake. You go girl!


  1. Happy birthday Trinity!!! The twins celebrated their 10th birthday yesterday!! Time really does fly by!! Ethan wanted to have a joint party with Trinity but I told him she was probably too little to go bowling with him this year, maybe next year!! :)


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