Anniversary Weekend Update

It's almost six in the morning now and I've been awake for a few hours. Not by choice--I just have this tendency to wake up a little early sometimes. Before Pregnancy (BP) it happened occasionally--maybe a few nights every few months. During Pregnancy (DP) it is happening much more frequently--probably 3-4 nights every week or two. For the most part, it's not that big of a deal. It's amazing how much you can get done in the wee hours of the morning! I hadn't checked my Facebook account in over a month so I was able to do that this morning and catch up with some old friends. The internet is great for that.

Aaron and I have spent the past few days in Portland celebrating our 3rd anniversary. We both worked a half day on Wednesday and drove to Hood River where we ate a fantastic dinner and stayed at a cool little bed and breakfast downtown. On Thursday, we stopped at Bonneville Dam to see the sturgeon (that is one ugly fish!) and then went on an 6 mile hike to Punchbowl Falls. We worked our way up the gorge on the historic highway stopping at a few more waterfalls and taking some pictures from Crown Point. That night, we headed to the Pearl District in downtown Portland where we shared an amazing dinner at an italian restaurant, Fratelli. Instead of ordering an entree, we shared three 'small plates'. Trying to describe the food just wouldn't do it justice but suffice it to say it was yummy! Since we just celebrated our 3rd anniversary I must send a little shout out to my husband. He enjoys trying new restaurants, new foods and is an overall fairly adventurous eater and I really appreciate that about him. Whatta guy!

On Friday, we just bummed around Portland. We went to Whole Foods Market, gathered supplies for a picnic and then headed to the Portland Rose Gardens which overlook the city and spent a very leisurely afternoon sipping our non-alcoholic wine and noshing on some pretty tasty fare--yep, we like food! We did a little bit of shopping for baby supplies and then went to a matinee and saw "Burn After Reading". We both loved it but would not recommend it for everyone. You'd definitely need the right sense of humor for it and not mind the frequent use of the "F" word. Very funny though.

On Saturday, I actually worked. I occasionally do some contract work for a company that does pre- and post-deployment physicals for the military and they had an event scheduled in Portland this weekend. I had been going back and forth for over a month on if I should take time away from our little vacation to work or not. Aaron and I both felt the same way--the money is nice but... When I thought I'd finally decided not to do it we ended up buying a new couch and dining room table and I think that made the decision a little easier so...I worked on Saturday.

We're heading home today but we'll both be hitting the road again next weekend with Aaron going to Boise with a friend and me driving to Wildhorse Canyon in central Oregon for a leadership weekend for Young Life. The next weekend we're in Seattle and then I think we're done traveling until the baby is born. Boy, it is going by so fast...


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