Keeping a Running Commentary

It's sort of obvious that this blog is a running commentary on our life. Lives? Depends upon how you look at it, I guess. I prefer to think of it as one life that includes all four of us. What a tangled web we (will) weave. Last weekend was a good example as I ran a half-marathon on Saturday and Autumn ran the full monte on Sunday. If you didn't get the reference, it means that Autumn went all the way, 26.2 (26.4 actually, but who's counting?) miles to complete her second marathon. Having now run two half-marathons, I can tell you that 26.2 miles is a long way to run. But I digress. Our life is a tangled web, right? Yeah, the half-marathon was on Saturday morning in Baker City, the Marathon was in Boise on Sunday morning. Yeah, we crossed state lines to get it done. That makes it a felony. Okay, it would if what we did was a crime.

Crazy kids. Again, I digress.

The way it played out, Kal and I had the kids and rolled around Boise in the swagger wagon, cheering on the gals as they ran more miles than my weekly commute. The first stop (mile 12), I forgot the camera. This is the pic I snapped with my phone.

Stop #2. I had the real camera. The girls are waiting. I think Teagan is hiding behind a tree.

Are pacers legal in marathons? I know there's some controversy about rabbits helping with marathon records, but I doubt anyone's investigating this one. Lisa jumped in to lend a little moral support. She told me that she's the only person that smiles in running pictures. She's right! But Kal and I told her that she should be running harder if she's smiling. After all, running isn't supposed to be fun, is it?

We had a few minutes to kill and the kids had earned some free time, so we let them play at the park for a little bit to get the wiggles out. Trinity followed Ava down this, um, ladder thing. Brave little girls!

Hopping lily pads?

The grass was pretty wet, so Emerson sat on the sidewalk and ate leaves.

Puppy love for sure

Swing me super high!

Then it was on to the last stop before the finish. We ended up at mile 23, where we did a little aid station refueling for the kids.

Then we saw them one last time! We found out that they had been struggling for a bit and so they came through a little later than we thought. But they're looking good to me!

Then it was off to the finish to celebrate almost 6 months' work. These two have been so consistent in their training, it is an inspiration to watch! Good job!

Group photo with the racers and support staff!

It  turns out that Teagan and Autumn had the same stomach bug. That's a tough mama to run a marathon while sick! I love you and am super proud of you!

Oh yeah, my run. This about sums it up:


  1. Nice blog and great job Autumn and Jen! Aaron, looks like you were about ready to take a chair ;).


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