So this is the 500th 501st post for this blog. 500. 501. Wow. I started this blog around the time we, as in Autumn, got pregnant. I thought this would be a fun little experiment. I blogged a little of everything for a while, tried to act smart and all that business. It turns out that snarky is more my style, not smart. So I quit blogging about anything except family and it's been pretty smooth blogging ever since. Sort of. Let's look at how we might have arrived here:
We might have arrived in style. You know, classic car with the sunglasses, rolling the convertible...uh, right. If you've ever met me, entering the blogging world was not going to happen with style.
OR, we might have arrived in high-flying impact. You know, battle cry and a leaping into the fray. But making a real impact wasn't going to happen either...
We might have came in messy. You know, flinging mud and shaving creme. But even that's not my style. Yeah, I tried to make some political commentary, but I never really went anywhere and ultimately decided that wasn't my style either...
But ultimately, this is how I got here. I folded myself into a ridiculous positions and tried to make it work. Strangely enough, it did work! But it wasn't just me, it was you too. I didn't write these silly posts for me. I wrote them for you. I wrote them for my family and friends. I wrote, and write, so that my kids have a record of their early life.
Really, I wish I would have had this style:
Normally I have a policy about nakedness on my blog, but this one embodies all that I want to be as a blogger: I want to fly free...with many apologies to my poor son, who will have to endure this photo being on the web for the rest of his life.
So here's to 500 501 more posts of family, friends, fun, laughter, tears, blood, embarrassment and shaving creme!
P.S. Yes, I actually missed the 500th the post, in case you didn't already figure that out.


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