Famous Potato Weekend, Part I

Over the weekend we went to Boise so that Autumn and her running partners could participate in the 31st annual Famous Idaho Potato Marathon (although they were running the half marathon, not the full monty). It was a fun weekend, we were able to see my dad and step mom in Meridian, where there was some good grandparent time to be had. I stayed with my dad while Autumn and her "team" stayed at a hotel near the race course. But before we even arrived, we had an unexpected stop. Well, we expected to stop for coffee. We didn't expect poop everywhere. Autumn was the lucky one that found out it was there. Some folks have all the luck!

After some team acrobatics, with me holding while Autumn removed soiled pants, then Autumn holding while I removed soiled diaper, we put Trinity on a blanket in the grass, where she kicked with glee at her new found naked freedom. Babies love to be naked. When does that change?

After we had cleaned up our little poop-maker, we were off again to find Autumn some running clothes that fit. She'll kill me for posting this, but breastfeeding has changed the way her clothes fit. So we needed to get her some new summer running gear. Now, I know that girls love to shop, but what's with the movie star look? The funny part is how well she keeps the shades on. I think that wearing sunglasses for 20 minutes is pretty good for six months old. You go girl!

After we found some gear for Autumn, we went and registered for the race and then Trinity and I were off to my dad's for dinner. Trinity and I arrived to find the barbeque smoking and the beer cold. In case you were worried, the beer was for me. Here are some great shots of the visit, including a great one of story time with Oma and Opa. Good stuff.


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