
Showing posts from March, 2012

Before and After

We start our story on a typical Spring weekend in late March... Trinity has just returned from Kate's house after baking some delicious cookies, which she intends to share with her entire family. But alas, she only gives cookies to her brother... ...and herself! (Just kidding, she gave some to her parents too. Go with it, it makes a better story!) Meanwhile, her dad just looks goofy. How do these pictures keep getting posted? Then it was off to the park, where there were lots and lots of families that were taking advantage of a sunny Sunday afternoon... Teagan wanted to go on the big twirly slide... ...with a little help from dad of course! Trinity was on the slide, on the swings, even on the teeter-totter! Someone has an unfair advantage here! The next morning was a typical day of goofing around. But this was no ordinary day because Oma and Opa were coming to visit! One size fits most? Trinity was riding her push bike while Teagan ran alongside. He makes...

Well, what should I call THIS post?

In a quest to post good updates, I have been trying to write a little more. I don't know if that has helped, but it takes a little more time and thought. Sometimes I substitute substance with a ton of pictures instead because I tend to write these posts late in the evening. This evening, Autumn mentioned that maybe I could blog a little earlier so that I wouldn't be as tired. Whoops, it's 10pm. It really was a great suggestion. So, I think that I will dump a ton of pictures in and see if I can get this done quickly.... What Teagan wanted to use... What he should be using...ha! Okay, maybe something not quite so sharp. By the way, the "u" key wasn't working for a minute there, I think some dust from the Cheerios I am snacking on must have blocked it. I didn't realize how often I use that key. Flossing already? They sure love to do what we do... Yeah, they both do... Here's the thinking man, always making sure to read the directions. He's...


I sat down to write this today, pretty sure that this would be a short post. It may very well not have a ton of words, but there ended up being wayyy too many pictures! I suppose that's how things go, especially with the abundance of choices I had in the picture folder. Every so often we dump the photos from the camera to the computer and they get stowed away in their very own folder until I organize them. I even have a system. No, I am not going to elaborate, that would be boring. Very. Boring. Autumn mentioned the other day...wait, that was just this evening, that we haven't taken too many pictures lately. Wait, she actually said that she hadn't taken too many pictures lately. I haven't either. Both statements are true. But there was a folder that has pictures taken in February (you can start to see my organization method, if you think about it a little) that had not been dealt with. And by dealt with, I mean I had not either a) blogged about them or b) put them wh...