Much to be thankful for. Yeah, we can all say that. Really, we can. If you are reading this then you have much to be thankful for. You have both computer access and time. Not only that, you have time to read a blog that doesn't really add anything necessary to your life. Alright, if a poorly placed sense of humor is necessary, then I guess we fit. But you get my drift. You have a car, house and savings account, you are in the top 10% of the world when it comes to wealth. Okay, I don't really have numbers to back that up, but someone once told me that when I was young and idealistic. Even if it is half true, most of us are rich, rich, rich. Throw in a really good friend and your life is priceless. Be thankful. Today is Thanksgiving. Today is Trinity's birthday. Today I had enough spare time and money to run a local 5k turkey Trot. Rich indeed! Teagan and Trinity were treated to ice cream with Jen, Ava and Emerson on Wednesday. Happy birthday eve, Trinity! ...