Using Words
So, I happen to think this is a funny picture. But I really would rather talk about words today. Ha, thought you'd just get off easy with a few cute pictures didn't you? Well, you get that, but maybe a little more It is amazing how simple things bring so much jo Words are really powerful. Even I, as a self-proclaimed wordsmith, do not appreciate the power of expressed language. As we travel our chosen path, both Autumn are discovering the power of the words that we use to talk to those around us as well as ourselves. Scout is a trusty sleeping companion A post or two ago was titled "yes" and I still use that as a regular answer to questions about our journey. I also use it in response to our journey directly. It seems to me that so much of how our lives appears depends highly upon how we frame it. Autumn and I were talking about a book that she had listened to on her drive out to Minneapolis. I am not sure about who the author is but the gist of ...