Weekend trip

So we ended up in Joseph on Saturday for a late lunch with some friends of ours. It turned out to be absolutely beautiful, which is perfect when you have two little walking toddlers that both need to go, go, go! Thanks Kal for the invite!

Here's Trinity practicing her walking, on cobblestones no less!

Little Ava has a bit of an independent streak. Now that she can walk anywhere she wants, that exactly what she does. Here she is wandering down the block. She barely even turned around when mom and dad called her.

...so Jen had to go and retrieve the little wanderer.

Yes those are my ugly toes. Yes, those are Trinity's cute ones. She likes to walk on our feet. It reminds me of her book, "Big and Little". I am really enjoying how much Trinity likes to be around us these days.

This is just a random yummy bread shot.


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